5 top recovery tips after a boob job
1. Stick to your aftercare instructions like it’s the new beauty trend.
This is crucial as an earlier-than planned return to the gym or driving have been known to displace the breast implant within its new position. Trauma from a fall onto the chest can also precipitate a bleed (haematoma) that can set your recovery back.
Wearing your post-op compression bra 24/7 is crucial for the first month after surgery. With time, the breast swelling will fade and your implants will settle into their new position. It’s like waiting for the perfect sunset- the more patient you are, the more breathtaking the view.
2. Rally your support squad.
Set yourself up for a smooth recovery by making sure that your support systems are in place upon discharge. Call in your partner, mum or bestie for a bit of TLC after surgery. You’ll need a hand for the first 48 hours. You’ll be grateful to have someone around to bring you snacks, cups of tea, cook a meal or even just for a chat- it’ll make a world of difference during the early days of recovery.
3. You are what you eat.
The power of nourishment should not be underestimated. Stock your fridge up with nutrient-packed, easy-to-cook meals including fruits, veggies and lean protein. If you’re not great with fruit and veg, then it’s probably best to pop a multi-vitamin daily to help boost your immune system and stave off post-op infections. A high-protein, high-calorie diet is crucial for tissue repair and wound healing. Don’t forget - Hydration is key and you should aim to get in at least 8 glasses of water (2 litres) a day to help nutrient absorption and to flush out all the toxins! By fuelling your body well, you’ll set the stage for a successful and speedy recovery.
4. Listen to your body.
Your body is the ultimate guidebook to recovery. Give it the attention it deserves- rest when you’re feeling tired, don’t overexert yourself or rush the healing process. Sleep supports the immune system and is crucial for tissue repair. Embrace the art of lounging – think cozy pillows, your favourite pyjamas and a good Netflix series. Light activities like leisurely strolls are great for the first couple of weeks.
5. Park the smoking and alcohol.
Smoking is known to increase the risk of complications after surgery. The nicotine in cigarettes constricts the blood vessels and essentially starves the wound tissue of the oxygen and nutrients needed for healing. Vaping also contains nicotine so, you’ll need to avoid both. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can interfere with your liver function and ability to clot.